News, Notes, and Nods: Undergraduates

毛里西奥·帕拉齐(Mauricio Palazzi)和艾比·索斯加德(Abby Thorsgaard)与朋友合影
毛里西奥宫14号married Abby Thorsgaard ’14 on March 14 in a Miami ceremony. Read more under 2014 below.

Winter 2022–2023


Larry Fitzmaurice ’59moved to Bluffton, South Carolina, after living most of his life in Wellesley, Massachusetts. “It is an adjustment, but I am assimilating well,” he wrote. “What I do miss are my New England friends, civic activities, and my personal involvement with various Babson volunteer activities.” Fitzmaurice was thrilled to read about one of those New England friends recently. “I enjoyed the summer issue ofbeplay平台下载巴布森杂志,尤其是关于唐娜·斯托达德(Donna Stoddard)的作品,他曾是韦尔斯利(Wellesley)的朋友和邻居。”


CarlosM.Echeverría’74,MBA’76搬到哥斯达黎加和报告,他是主动physically and mentally and is writing a lot for the local media and attending radio and TV events.


Photo of AvaCraig R. Benson ’77,H’03,who serves on the Babson Board of Trustees, welcomed a new granddaughter, Ava Michelle, who was born May 19.


Kenneth G. Romanzi ’82八月被任命为月亮石营养董事会主席。Moonstone Nutrition是一家位于匹兹堡的肾脏健康营养公司。罗曼齐(Romanzi)曾在巴布森董事会任职,是前总裁beplay平台下载,首席执行官和总监B&G Foods,一家价值20亿美元的公共食品公司;还有一名先驱者,他领导了海洋喷雾,Earthbound Farm Organics(Danone/Whitewave),Nabisco,Cadbury Schweppes,Balducci和Naked Juice等公司的企业家企业。Moonstone Nutrition总裁兼首席执行官Salim Rayes表示,Romanzi的任命是在我们公司继续增长并在零售业创建新的肾脏健康类别的关键时刻。肯(Ken)通过卓越的营销和创新在建立品牌方面的深刻经验和领导才能对我们的公司非常宝贵。”


Michael Crosby ’87,P’12 ’22: See 2022, inGraduate news


Peter B. Cosco ’88卖掉了自己的咨询公司,4部队,LLC在7月y 18 to independent investment firm Isos Capital Management. Cosco will stay on as managing director at Isos, overseeing the advisory process and supporting the firm’s core investment business. Isos Capital, located in Westport, Connecticut, has established itself as an independent investment firm focused on the global media, entertainment, sports, and technology industries. Cosco founded 4Forces Group after a career as a media industry executive, building a reputation as a change agent helping companies grow through strategic planning and finding operational efficiencies. “In my experience, post-merger success is realized not only through strategic synergies, but by having a clear cultural alignment,” Cosco said. “The partnership between Isos Capital and 4Forces Group has both in spades, and I couldn’t be happier to join the team.”


奥黛丽·克莱巴诺(Audrey Klebanow)和威廉·麦加恩(William McGann)的婚礼照片奥黛丽·克莱巴诺(Audrey Klebanow)’93marriedWilliam McGann ’93on May 12 in Park City, Utah. The couple has five children, as well as four dogs, seven alpacas, three donkeys, chickens, ducks, and goats. Fellow classmateStephen Paquelet ’93参加了婚礼庆典。


Jonathan Cignetti and Pat Cutter with their sonsJonathan Cignetti ’98andPAT CUTTER ’01,,,,both former Babson baseball players, coached their sons together in the Hingham (Massachusetts) Little League majors division in the 2022 season. The two 12-year-old boys, who played for the Pirates, wrapped up their last Little League season in mid-June. Cignetti has been coaching his son since 2015, and Cutter moved to Hingham a few years ago, according to Jonathan’s wife,Erin Cignetti ’99。“It was fun to see them coaching together after I watched them play baseball together more than 20 years ago,” Erin Cignetti wrote.

狄娜(卡西斯)灰色狄娜(卡西斯)灰色’98opened a new behavioral health business in January 2021 aimed at helping autistic children and adults gain more independence. Gray’s new company, ABA Helps, provides home-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children and adults affected by autism and other related conditions. ABA therapy is a type of interpersonal therapy used to treat issues with communication, motor skills, and behavioral disorders. Gray, the founder and CEO, launched ABA Helps with a mission to impact the lives of many individuals affected by autism and to help them acquire adaptive skills in homes, schools, and communities. “I am so thrilled with all our accomplishments and proud of our talented clinical team, who is committed to delivering high-quality care to the families we serve,” Gray said.


Erin Cignetti ’99:参见1998年,上面。

查尔斯·高迪特(Charles Gaudet)99最近被评为之一破坏杂志15名顶级商业教练挤满了2022年。Gaudet与托尼·罗宾斯(Tony Robbins),格兰特·卡德(Grant Cardone),马歇尔·戈德史密斯(Marshall Goldsmith)等著名领导教练一起列出。高迪特也在Los Angeles Tribune’s list of Top 13 Business Experts to Follow in a Recession.

Fernando Morales,May Lim和David Fernandez Neila MBA’05费尔南多·莫拉莱斯(Fernando Morales)99had an impromptu Babson meet-up while at the Rafa Nadal Academy in Manacor, located in Mallorca, Spain. He was dropping off his two sons for their first day at tennis camp when he struck up a conversation with two other parents, and he soon learned that they were Babson alumni, too. “The Babson network is strong all over the world,” Morales wrote, pointing out that he is from Panama,May Lim ’03is from Hong Kong, andDavid Fernandez Neila MBA’05is from Spain.


PAT CUTTER ’01:参见1998年,上面。


May Lim ’03:参见1999年,上面。


Tahira Adatia ’10Tahira Adatia ’107月在加拿大德勤(Deloitte)的2022年合作伙伴班上列出。根据加拿大德勤的宣布,该小组的员工是“专业的专业人士,他们清楚地表明,他们拥有发展职业的技能,奉献精神和动力,可以在未来的几年中蓬勃发展。”新的合作伙伴班级反映了表现出杰出表现并将德勤的共同价值观和目的带入生活的领导者的辛苦认可。根据德勤(Deloitte)的说法,阿达蒂亚(Adatia)“很荣幸能够实现这一重要的职业里程碑,除了努力工作外,如果没有她的导师,倡导者和赞助商在整个过程中指导和倡导她,那将是无法实现的。”


Carolyn Crosby Lavin ’12andThomas Lavin ’12: See 2022, inGraduate news

MiguelVázquezJr. ’12MiguelVázquezJr. ’12was recently listed as one of the哈特福德商业杂志2022年的40岁以下40岁以下。Vázquez由于他在教学企业家精神(NFTE)的高级开发经理(NFTE)的高级发展经理而列入了名单,他正在领导新英格兰地区的筹款工作。Vázquez在Prospanica的董事会领导层以及他通过教会的社区参与的其他原因是他列入名单。


本·克拉维兹(Ben Kravitz)和艾莉森·温莎(Allison Windsor)的婚礼照片

Ben Kravitz ’14marriedAllison Windsor ’168月5日。在巴布森(Babson)时,克拉维beplay平台下载兹(Kravitz)打曲棍球,温莎(Windsor)扮演曲棍球。两人在夏季仪式上被几个前巴布森队友和大学朋友所包围。beplay平台下载

毛里西奥·帕拉齐(Mauricio Palazzi)和艾比·索斯加德(Abby Thorsgaard)的婚礼照片

毛里西奥宫14号married艾比·索斯加德(Abby Thorsgaard)’14on March 14 in a Miami ceremony that occurred 10 years to the day after the couple first started dating as Babson sophomores. “We’ve been dreaming of being inbeplay平台下载巴布森杂志since we got engaged,” Thorsgaard wrote. Her best friend,Sarah Whitaker ’14,不仅对索尔加德(Thorsgaard)决定参加巴布森(Babson)的决定是部分责任,而且惠特克(Whitaker)在2010年的迎新日也将新娘beplay平台下载介绍给她的丈夫。Brett Rosen ’14andAlex Packer ’14,在滑雪一日游上。Palazzi于2019年在同一座山上提议。“莎拉是我的荣誉女仆,而布雷特(Brett)和亚历克斯(Alex)都是毛里西奥(Mauricio)的伴郎。”“我只是想分享照片和故事,并说我们所有人在巴布森见面多么高兴,因此感谢我们在那里建立的终身友谊和联系!”beplay平台下载


Wedding photo of Jon Dainesi and Ella Overholt

Jon Dainesi ’15marriedElla Overholt ’15on June 4 at the Snowpine Lodge in Alta, Utah. More than 20 Babson alumni attended the wedding. From left to right:Kyle Bissell ’17,,,,Anton Pronichenko ’17,,,,尼克·德马蒂诺(Nick DeMartino)’15,,,,Kyle Morrisey ’13,,,,泰勒·威尔士’16,,,,Alex Prentice ’15,,,,Billy Affsa ’15,,,,凯蒂·亨特(Katie Hunt)’15,,,,格雷厄姆·安德森(Graham Anderson)’15,,,,Dainesi (groom), Overholt (bride),Phil Turpin ’15,,,,Christian Gordon ’14,,,,Jared Silber ’15,,,,瑞安·迪维洛克’15,,,,Somia Farid Silber ’15,,,,维多利亚·麦凯’15,,,,Carter Dowd ’16,,,,Danielle Brasher ’15,,,,andKate Began ’15

Wedding photo of Olivia Karow and Aaron Pomeroy

Olivia Karow ’15marriedAaron Pomeroy ’154月30日在纽约购买的Brae Burn Country Club。卡罗说,他们加入了30名巴布森校友。beplay平台下载


Allison Windsor ’16: See 2014, above.


乔丹·沙米尔(Jordan Shamir)’17announced that a new company she co-founded, BotNot, is in the pre-seed round. Merchants can install BotNot on their website and use it to identify bots abusing coupon codes or returns. BotNot also helps identify a company’s real customers as opposed to bots, giving companies better data to use for marketing. “Knowing your consumers allows you to build a successful brand that your consumers love,” the BotNot website reads.


Kaity GoodwinKaity Goodwin ’22recently started as the fourth Take the Lead Fellow for the Boston Red Sox in August. Goodwin will work with the community relations department and spend four weeks with other local sports organizations, including the Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics, Boston Pride, New England Patriots, and the New England Revolution. The Take the Lead program was created by city and state officials along with local professional sports teams to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels in Boston-area professional sports. Goodwin, who had served as Babson’s mascot, Biz E. Beaver, said she looks forward to being able to create a positive impact in her new role.

Anna Nickerson ’22attended a 10-day educational trip to Israel in July as part of a Jewish National Fund program called the Caravan for Democracy Student Leadership Mission. The trip is a fully subsidized educational program for student leaders who have never been to Israel. The participants visited historic locations such as the Holocaust museum in Israel and met figures such as Rami Nazzal, a Palestinian journalist working forTimemagazine who lives in East Jerusalem. “I had an absolutely amazing experience,” wrote Nickerson of the trip.

更多新闻,笔记和点头2022 - 2023年发行:

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